Saturday, March 17, 2018

This Week At School

This week at school I...

- Did 2 half days at 2 different schools on the same day. Which was fine by me because the schools were close enough together that it didn't use too much of my lunch hour travelling (and as a nice bonus I get paid at a slightly higher rate as an incentive to take half days)
- Found this in one of the classrooms 

It's to get kids thinking about small ideas and large ideas (although, in my opinion, a watermelon does not fit in with the current season)
- Listened to the book "Enemy Pie" on Storyline on Pi Day.
- Took home some apple pie from the colony the day after pie day.
- Made some airplanes out of a straw and some paper (a few of the boys and I in this particular class had been working on them on a previous day and didn't get them done so we finally finished them).
- Went back to the school where I was reading the book "A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park and finished it during their silent reading time.
- Spotted these in one of the classrooms and they reminded me of these snowflakes I did with some grade 4 and 5 students

Tie Dye Snowflakes

It even looks like they wrote something to go with their snowflakes as well!
- Went to another day at swim and gym! Shouldn't be too much longer until the instructors at swim and gym start thinking I'm their actual teacher and not the substitute!

Only 5 more working days until spring break!... unfortunately it seems as if I may have caught one of the colds going around one of the schools I frequent... and I somehow ended up booking myself up for every single day next week!

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