
Saturday, April 07, 2018

This Week At School

Let me tell you... the first week back after spring break is nothing like the first week back from Christmas break... I REALLY eased myself back into work by only working half days this week (not my choice... just what I was able to scoop up).

I also don't have much to report on in regards to things that happened this week at school.  I was in classes I have previously been in a bunch of times before and so all my half days ran relatively well.

Despite it being Spring we certainly aren't feeling the warmth up here!  It's not uncommon for it to feel like -20 in the mornings and the actual temperature still isn't getting above 0 here.  However, there was about a week prior to spring break when the weather did warm up enough to melt a bunch of snow and cause a bunch of ice to form.  Because of this one of the schools I was at this week decided that the students could have indoor recess'.... not because it was too cold or too wet outside but because there was too much ice on the playground.  Don't think I've ever heard that one before!  The nice thing about indoor recess at this particular school is that they open up one of their gym's for students to play in and most of the others are supervised while walking laps around the school... so they weren't all in classrooms causing problems at least!

Anyways, I don't have much scheduled for next week either so hopefully it starts to pick up again soon!

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