
Saturday, August 17, 2019

This Week OFF From School

Not going to lie... this week was a bit of a rough one.

I'm STILL sick.  It's got to be about week 4 of my cough (which in my opinion has actually improved quite a bit since week 1 but I'm just over it)

If last week was all about fitness this week was all about home improvement.

To start with we (as in my husband) broke up our back patio area with a jackhammer and then we (yes... we) hauled 2400lb of busted up concrete to the dump.  It was hard work!

I wish I would have taken a before picture but here are some during pictures

We were rained out for day 1... here's what we got accomplished
and our first load of concrete that we took to the dump

here's the progress after day 2.  We took our the grass between the patio area and the shed (and removed the rest of the concrete and took a load to the dump)

day 3 I can't take much credit for.  I helped spread some of the gravel around but I was pretty sore from the previous 2 days
 I FINALLY made my goal to walk/run 30km in a week!  And I did it a day ahead of time too!

Some pictures from the walk that put my over my goal

What I love about this particular walk is that I can stop in at a Starbucks beforehand and walk from there with my iced coffee and it's almost an 8km walk that I do which definitely helps to make my goal!

I finished painting around our door

I picked all our apples that had fallen on the ground already..
crab apples (and some tomatoes from the garden too)

and then promptly used them to turn into apple buns (which I used to have a recipe for but it disappeared from the interwebs so I had to kind of make my own recipe up... needless to say they turned a little dark but still taste good!)

I peeled, cored, and baked the apples in a muffin tray for about 20 min at 350
apple buns (with some rhubarb muffins that hadn't gotten eaten or frozen yet in the back corner)

I also made some hotdog and hamburger buns in preparation for our weekend

I got an email saying that I had to do some online classes in order to substitute teach in one of the divisions I've worked in for the past few years.  It came as a bit of a surprise... especially since what they wanted me to complete would take a few hours but I sat down and got it [nearly] completed.  I'll finish the last section or 2 next week!

And... I haven't done it yet (but as I type this out it's only Friday afternoon) but I may make some kind of caramel popcorn today in preparation for the weekend as well!

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