
Saturday, August 24, 2019

This Week OFF From School

Well, I can't say I feel like I accomplished much this week off from school.

My cough is nearly gone (it's about time) and is being replaced with a stuffy nose in the evening and mornings especially (a girl just can't win).

I did manage to go for another really long walk

Can you believe this place is in the city?

I also made some more slow cooker meals for our freezer.  These ones are marinara chicken (and I actually made 4 other bags of just the chopped up zucchini because we had some that was ready to be used.  So I'll have 7 of these meals in the freezer... it will likely last us until next summer.

I made a cinnamon raisin loaf for Saturday morning

This was taken a couple of hours before it was done baking... I had to get the blog up before it would be done!

And I made a bunch of these coconut chocolate chip cookies (they are my favourite!)

I spent the day at the lake with some friends.  It was a bit chilly so I didn't go swimming but I did venture out for a paddle in the canoe (that we managed to stay dry for)

I have a friend that is going to school in the next province over so we had a little good bye party for her... which consisted of us mini golfing.

I've officially got one more week of summer break and then it's back to school for the kids.  My guess is as a substitute I likely have 2 more weeks of break (I checked for jobs online this week and there was still nothing).  

Still plenty of time to start feeling better!
... hopefully!

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