
Saturday, August 31, 2019

This Week OFF From School

It was [possibly] my last week off from school this week as kids will start heading back to school next week sometime.  What did I do this last week?... not a whole lot.

This last week off from school I was really not feeling well.  I know, I know, I've been saying for a while that I've been sick but this week was the worst.  Although my cough is nearly gone it seemed to have gotten replaced with a stuffed up nose which is putting a lot of pressure on my head causing headaches and it just feels like I've been stuck on a plane for the last week.  Luckily, my headache has at least subsided but if I'm not feeling at least 90% by Tuesday I think I'll finally be taking a trip to the doctors.

These lovely things were purchased this week...

20lbs of peaches (that are already frozen for smoothies for the next year) and 25lbs of tomatoes that are already cut up and canned to also use over the next year.

I made an apple cake (that I forgot to take a picture of) that was delicious!  But since it turned out (and used 4 cups of apples) I'm making it again next week (and I'll try to remember to snap a picture of it then and link the recipe)

I made another large batch of apple sauce.

I spent a rainy weekend at the lake playing lots of games.

And possibly the biggest thing to happen this week that required very little effort on my behalf was that I actually won something on the Starbucks Summer Game!  It may just be 500 stars but that's a few free drinks so I'm not complaining!  If you aren't already playing you should... I'll be the first to admit I thought it wasn't paying out as well as it had previous years until this week of course so it's not too late!

and that's pretty much it.

Looking forward to next week when I'll hopefully be feeling better!

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