
Saturday, September 21, 2019

This Week At School

This week at school I made my way back to one of the colony schools I frequent (in fact, this was the only school I went to this week).

It seems that the class sizes have gotten smaller and many of them have discovered a love of reading (which I love to see as last year many of the middle school students couldn't be bothered to read). Needless to say it was a pretty fantastic few days of work!  They even sent me home with a pumpkin cake one day.  Yum!

Otherwise, I'm still doing my best to recuperate from my sinus infection. I feel great (for the most part) the only problem is my right ear (which feels like there is just a lot of pressure around it). Last week my doctor told me there were no new developments in my ear so I'll give the medication another month to hopefully make that better before making a return to the doctor.

We went to the lake (likely for the final time this year).

And I picked a bunch of tomatoes, peppers, and chilies from the garden (everything but the chilies we'll be using to make some spaghetti sauce soon - the chilies I'm going to trade with a friend for part of her aloe plant).

Also, if you are wondering why I'm not announcing a winner for the free subscription to the Calm App it's because I didn't get a single email (don't worry, I'm not too upset). If you are looking for a free subscription it's still very much available all you need to do is email me at and I'll pick my winner by next week!

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