
Saturday, September 28, 2019

This Week At School

This week at school I...

I went to a soccer tournament and spent all day outside.  Luckily it wasn't too cold (although I definitely wore gloves and a toque most of the day) and the rain held off until the bus ride back to school.

I went to a different colony school (but one that I had been to last year) and taught middle years.

I went to a kindergarten classroom and quickly realized that kindergarten is tricky this time of year... routines are being drilled into them so much they definitely do lose their minds when anyone strays even the slightest from their routine.

I had a half day turn into a full day.  The teacher that I ended up covering for the in the afternoon was also away for the morning but they couldn't find a substitute teacher for her (so I think someone else covered the couple of classes she had in the morning).  I doubt anyone thought there would be a substitute teacher shortage this early on in the year!

I was a French teacher... very little French was spoken.

I was in a classroom with a student teacher!  Huzzah!  These always make for easier days.

We played some Silent Ball and Snake.

Needless to say it was a busy week at school (and I've already got quite a bit booked for next month already too).

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