
Saturday, October 05, 2019

This Week At School

It was another busy week at 4 different schools!

I was a gym teacher for parts of multiple days.
We watched some cbc kids news which reminded me a bit of CNN student news.  In my opinion, if you are looking for a short news program designed for kids either one of these is good but I think CBC is designed for a younger audience and CNN is for grade 6 and up.
I had multiple days of outdoor duty.
We did some crayon resist art in an early years class.
I had a lovely class of grade 6's and made them promise their behaviour wouldn't turn sour by the end of the year.
I attended a gym blast... which is all the grades meeting up in the gym and playing games against each other to earn points.  The grade 6's came in 2nd place so we did well!
The kids also made signs for the gym blast and one kids said something along the lines of how the grade 6's were awesome and everyone else sticks.  Then it said that the other grades were stickers.  Erm.. ok.  Sort of missing an important letter there.
All in all it was a busy but good week!

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