
Thursday, November 14, 2019

My Story Parts

I saw this being used in a grade 1 classroom a while ago:

my story parts

Students used it to tell me their story (I'm sure they also used it for writing stories too though).

What they did:
The bear started in the first circle and started their story with one of the sentence starters there (or came up with one of their own).
Next, they moved the bear to the 2nd circle and told me their next sentence using one of the sentence starters at the bottom of that circle.
Finally, the bear moved over to the red circle and once again, they had some options of how to start their final sentence.

Their stories were mostly 3 sentences long (which in my opinion, for a grade 1 student, is awesome).  I would definitely use this in a classroom where they were students struggling with parts of a story.

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