
Thursday, December 12, 2019

What It's Like to Teach in December

Here is the link to the Board Teachers article I'm referencing for this post.

What tweets do I find most applicable to my current teaching situation?

#1 - The best way to spread holiday cheer IS to follow the instructions the first time... and failing that at the very least please follow them the 2nd time.  If I have to repeat myself a 3rd time I'm just really not going to be happy.

#3 - Although I haven't personally experienced a lot with Elf on the Shelf I can definitely see that being the talk of a classroom (especially a very early years classroom). 

#5 - It need not be Taylor Swift... any influential song writer/musician can do it but yes, let's make a song about how taking care of your responsibilities is a good thing and will get you far in life!

#7 - When I had a classroom of my own I would often bring work home with me... very rarely did I actually do any of it.

#10 - I mean this is just a similar story to #1.. let's pay attention folks!

What about you, any amusing things your telling your students (or they are doing) that you're tweeting about?

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