
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Scaredy Squirrel Project

A while ago I was in an early years classroom that was doing a project on Scaredy Squirrel

First, I'm assuming they read some Scaredy Squirrel books.  According to my research there are currently 8 Scaredy Squirrel books out there.  They likely read at least a couple of them to come up with such an extensive list of what he was all afraid of!

Then, I'm assuming they made a list of everything Scaredy Squirrel was afraid of (looks like they came up with 26 things)

Next, they made a map.  Below is the teachers example (or maybe the one they did together).  Above is the criteria they needed to include in their maps.  

Finally, they had to do a little bit of writing as to why they thought this new BFF would be perfect for Scaredy Squirrel.

Personally, I loved the idea!

And, in case you are wondering "what are some possibilities for Scaredy Squirrels BFF?" well here is a short list that I saw kids writing about

1)  Mrs Scaredy Squirrel (everyone needs a companion?)
2)  A Couch (perfect for watching tv and now he won't have to sit on the floor!)
3) Ice Cream (yummy!)
4) A doughnut (no sharp corners!)

I looked and I looked for where this teacher might have gotten this project from but couldn't find it.  BUT, if you Google "Scaredy Squirrel Class Project" lots of ideas do come up!

What else could be Scaredy Squirrels new BFF?

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