
Saturday, January 25, 2020

This Week At School

We aren't out of flu season yet so it was another busy week of work for this substitute teacher!
I started off the week in kindergarten where we did a lot of playing... they had Plus Plus blocks and so I made them a couple of dogs out of them (and they looked really good too... but alas I don't know photographic proof of the dogs).

The following day I was a special education resource teacher, which for a substitute teacher just means going around to a few different classrooms and offering my assistance to them.

I was at the colony!  I hadn't been there in a looong time and it was a lovely day (despite them taking all my preps away on me - I mean, come on, even subs deserve one prep a day!).  For lunch we had Vietnamese noodles - YUM!

Then I was at a classroom I had only been in once before.  I recalled the last time I was in that room it was pretty easy and once again we had a VERY easy morning.  We started off by reading and then later on in the morning there were a couple of kids that needed to present on their simple machines... otherwise I had preps!

I ended off my week in a grade 5/6 class that was lovely.  We talked about debates (specifically are kids sports to intense?) and had a period of reading (which they loved)!

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