
Monday, January 06, 2020

Unintentional Foot Massages

Here's a post from way back...  I took it down a couple of years ago because it was getting all kinds of weird attention so I revised it and I'm hoping that now we can all just appreciate it for what it is... a story about the time some students were

I'm subbing in a kindergarten class the kids are alright (nothing amazing but not the worst I've seen either) and we are all sitting on the carpet for attendance, calendar time, maybe a story and a song too. On this particular day (like many other warm days here in the great white north, I've decided to wear flip flops.

So the kids are all sitting on the carpet and I'm sitting in the chair telling them that it's June and it's a Thursday and the weather is hot or something along those lines when a student puts up his hand

"I really like your toes" says little Billy who then begins to touch my toe nails which were likely painted a lovely shade of pink (questionable but he isn't running around the room screaming so I allow it and continue talking).

The next kid clearly sees that I'm allowing little Billy to touch my toe nails and dares to take it one step further. She is clearly thinking "oh yeah Billy, you only get to touch her nail I'm going to touch her foot!"

Next hand goes up and little Becky asks "may I give you a foot massage?"

It was the strangest thing. For the entire day they would not let me stand for anything in excess of 15 minutes because then it was cutting into someone's foot massaging time.

Their hands were tiny and they didn't do a great job but after a 4 hour mediocre foot massage your feet still feel amazing.

Sidenote: this wasn't the first time this happened. Once I was subbing in a grade 3 class when the class assured me they normally massage their teachers feet while she reads them a story. I was wearing runners this day but they just attempted to massage my feet through my shoes. Odd.

And, just to be clear, as a teacher I would never request my students to do this... I'll just go pay for a pedicure and have a professional do it.


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