
Saturday, March 07, 2020

This Week At School

This week at school I had a class of grade 8 students spin me a tale of how they caused plumbing issues at the school the previous week due to how they used the facilities. It was quite the tale and obviously I didn't believe them. Come to find out a few days later that the school actually did have plumbing issues and the students were dismissed at noon one day because of it. Was it due to how a bunch of boys used the bathrooms that morning... I doubt it. A not so great smell had been coming through the library for most of the week so I'm assuming it had something to do with that.

I also had a half day turn into a full day due to a balloon popping in a teachers eye.

I learned all about Ruby Bridges and started watching a movie on her with a group of grade 7 students.

I administered the writing of a dividing and multiplying fractions test.

There was a snow day for the division I work for that is outside of the city (unfortunately I was not working in this division on this day... I was there the day before the snow day though).

The snow that we got was good news for my husband who has been working on making an autonomous snowblower all winter. It finally made the move from the heated garage to our house the week before so my husband was itching for snow to get to try it out on our driveway. Well the day finally arrived... here's a picture of it in action (of course it snowed at night so the lighting isn't the best).

To clean up the parts that it missed during its autonomous run he used an xbox controller to control where the snowblower went (because who wants to push the snowblower up and down the driveway these days anyway?)... then while moving the snowblower back into the garage be put the xbox controller on the back of my car... which is where it stayed as I went back and forth to work that day. Luckily, a person parked behind me on the street at school told me about a random xbox controller on the back of my car and I managed to save it for 2nd drive back home (I had gone home at lunch this day because it was the day my half day turned into a full day).

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