
Saturday, March 14, 2020

This Week At School

It was a not so busy week leading up to 2 of 3 school divisions that I work for having their report writing day yesterday.

I was teaching in the early years class at a colony school this week.  We read a lot of books and played some math games - it was a pretty fun day!

I also had a half day get cancelled on me only to be replaced by a full day (which I was super grateful for being that it was a slow week) where I was covering for the acting principal while he had to... act as principal.  On this day was the day my province had it's first confirmed case of the Corona Virus (which later turned into multiple confirmed cases) so the kids were in a bit of panic but we still managed to get some learning done!

I'm in the process of writing a post on the Corona Virus and how it's impacting schools in my province for Monday - so come back then to hear all about it! 

2 more weeks until spring break!

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