
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Community Book

I was in a grade 1/2 classroom recently that had written a very impressive (for that grade level) book about their community and it got me thinking... any teacher could easily do this!

Whether you live in a major city or small community you may just have to narrow your focus more. For example, if I had a classroom in the city and wanted to do this I might write a book about the community the school is in. 

The kids each wrote about a different spot in their community and wrote different facts about those places. For example they might write about the school they are in and how many classes or teachers work there. Or, the fire hall has this many firemen (women). Or, the grocery store gets its deliveries on Tuesday. 

Hopefully, it gets kids more interested in their community (and they might learn something new about it too! Plus, they get to work on asking questions or interviewing different people to get the information that they need.

Since it was a grade 1/2 classroom they also included a drawn picture of the place they were talking about. If it were older kids I think they could even take a picture with a camera instead (if they aren't interested in drawing/colouring anymore).

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