
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Boggle Board

I've talked about this before but I think it's worth another mention as I've seen it twice now recently.

One teacher had lettered dice that the kids would roll and then arrange in a grid to make words but I think I would much prefer (if there was board space) to have something up a little more permanently like this teacher did.
Boggle Board in the Classroom

How would I use it?

I've talked before about how I had guided math groups in my classroom and how if I had another classroom in the future I would try guided ELA groups. If I still had 4 groups I would think the centers would be as follows:

1) Work with me

2) Work on spelling

3) Reading

4) Work on Writing

And I would include a 5th one to take the place of one of the other 4 occasionally to be a game like Boggle or Bananagrams (or something else to do with spelling likely).

I ran my math groups 5 days out of the 6 day cycle (on the 6th day we did some problem solving practice) and I would probably do something similar for my ELA groups (on the 6th day we might have a spelling test or sharing or a bigger group lesson).

What kind of games do you incorporate into your ELA class?

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