
Monday, October 21, 2019

Fake News

A while ago on my post about what we all need to know about Reddit I briefly talked about fake news. This got me thinking... this could be a teachers job to help kids figure out ways to distinguish between real and fake news. Naturally I went out into the world wide web to see what had already been created on this topic to share 2 with my readers.

The House Hippo is a great way to get students (of all ages) to think critically

Here is a lesson from New Fluencies to go with the House Hippo video

And then I found a link to the "Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus" website

With this website (which in case you do not know... a tree octopus is not a thing) you could discuss things such as:

What are some things you observe on this website? (links don't all work, the sites url doesn't use pacific or northwest, etc)

How does the website seem legit (quality of design and images, updated regularly, some links work, etc)

Then have students fill out an "Is It A Hoax" worksheet 

Fake news has really become more popular over the past few years (possibly because of a certain president?) so I'm guessing a lot of kids will likely be familiar with the phrase "fake news" but do they really know what it means? Lets teach them to be critical thinkers!

Do you have any other ways you teach your students to be critical thinkers?

Or do you have any other fake news lessons to share with my readers?

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