
Saturday, October 12, 2019

This Week At School

Another busy week at school!

This week at school I...

- Was an art teacher
- Was a grade 6 teacher
- Was a French Immersion teacher
- Was a kindergarten teacher
- Finally subbed in the 3rd division that I'm part of

Would you believe that my best day out of all of those was the kindergarten class?  Anyone who knows me knows that I definitely do not want to work in a kindergarten classroom (but I'll sub in one) and would prefer grades 4-6 where they are a little more independent.

Anyways, Friday was an interesting day.  Many school divisions outside of the city were closed due to a major snow storm that rolled through (some even "closed" Thursday at noon due to power outages and unsafe driving conditions for buses).  Here's what it was looking like Friday

Would you believe that just 3 days earlier it was 20 outside!?!

Lucky me, I also had recess duty this blustery day!  The cherry on top was it was not snow falling from the skies at recess but rather ice.  When you looked out amongst the school yard every adult had their back to the wind to protect their faces from the ice.  The outdoor recess bells were also frozen solid so we had to yell out across the yard to get them all to come inside.

When I arrived to work on Friday a guy instructed me to park under a very large tree which was quickly loosing its branches due to the weight of the snow.  I asked him if he thought it was done dropping branches after I parked and he assured me the worst of it was over.  Well, this is what I arrived to after school

I ended up dragging the large branch in front of the car behind me because there was no where else to put it!  I'm still unsure if that branch hit my car or not as it's pretty snow covered but we'll investigate it a little more another day... for now I'm just glad I made it home safe!

In other news, I had planned to go buy a Christmas tree (yes, we go the fake route as it just makes more sense so we can reuse our tree year after year).  When we moved into our house and set up our old tree we quickly realized it was much too small for our bay window so we finally splurged on a nice 7.5 foot one.  It was half off at Michaels.  And, since my husband was taking so long to get back to me as to what tree I should purchase I ended up wandering the store a little too much and found discounted Halloween shirts.  Naturally I bought one and I'm planning to wear it on Halloween (as I'm already booked for that afternoon).

It's Canadian Thanksgiving this Monday so it's a long weekend!  Wishing all my Canadian readers a great Thanksgiving!

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