
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Halloween Art

Now that you've got your Halloween Bulletin Board up you are ready to get started on some Halloween art with your students...


I keep a Word document saved on one of my USB's that's titled "art for the year".  It's something that I came up with years ago in my very first year of teaching.  At this point I know I liked grades 4-6 best and figured I would hang around these grades for years.  Since I love art and want my students to have great art classes I quickly planned out what we would do at different points in the year for art (with multiple options in case one goes quicker than usual or I end up teaching the same kids the following year).  This way my art lessons art already "planned" out for me and I just need to pick which one we will do!

I haven't updated it in a while but here is what I have listed under "Halloween"

Here is a Halloween writing and art activity I did once while subbing.

Unfortunately I couldn't actually find any examples of artwork that my students had done for Halloween but if memory serves me correctly I have done the Northern Lights one before.

If you are wondering why none of my examples have witches or other typical Halloween characters it's because I tend to steer clear of them based off my own preference and at the school I used to teach in a lot of the parents probably wouldn't have liked it.  I figured these art activities would be "safe"

What are some examples of Halloween art activities you've done in your classroom?

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