
Saturday, November 23, 2019

This Week At School

This week at school was another slower week at school.

I did however give it another go at a school I was not too keen on from past experiences there... mostly because it was only a half day and it was super close to where I live.  In the end I can recall why I wasn't super keen on it (although the half day there wasn't too terrible... I've definitely had worse!)

I go to one classroom quite frequently and this time when I was there it was nice to see that they are FINALLY wrapping up a project they had going on since close to the beginning of the school year (which where I live started at the beginning of September).  Looking forward to doing something new in that class in the near future!

I observed and graded some rock cycle presentations.  To be honest, I don't LOVE marking something like this as a substitute.  In the end I gave them all full marks because from what I could tell they all understood the rock cycle and were able to present on it BUT if I'm being honest some of their presentations were not as well thought out and put together as others.

Our CFL team made it to the Grey Cup (it's Canada's Super Bowl) so this city is all a buzz.  At one of the schools one of the teams mascots paid a visit and took pictures with all the classes.. I assumed it was someone who actually plays the mascot regularly in the costume (although I'm really not sure how that works) but the kids were pretty sure it was actually the teacher that I was in for that was inside the costume... hmmm....

In other news we set up our Christmas tree!  Canada's Thanksgiving is nothing but a distant memory by now (it was on October 14) so fall is officially over and Christmas is slowly getting set up!

Christmas Tree

We got a bigger one this year that better fills out bay window!

Next year I'm thinking of doing gold, white, silver, and black as the tree is prelit with colourful lights as well that I think would go well with those colours.

Here is our tree from last year

Is your tree up yet?
Do you have a colour theme for it?

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