
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Book Trailer

A while ago I was subbing in a class that was making book trailers.

This was back when I was doing a lot of subbing in the school with just a few kids and was teaching grades 1-8 all at the same time.  It was the perfect thing for the kids to do because the younger kids could do their book trailer on a picture book they read and the older kids could do it on a novel.

First, some resources that I used:

I used this resource for the rubric (which I wrote on the board for my students).  I used the book trailer review sheet idea but instead we watched a couple of book trailers and reviewed them together as a class.

It was tricky showing such a wide range of student ages book trailers that would not only be appropriate for them but picking one that might be familiar to them.  So after we watched a couple we story boarded our own book trailer.

To do this I read them a picture book (because it would be quick and fresh in everyones minds).  
Then we used the rubric that I had written on the board to add in ideas that we could use in our book trailer.  For example, according to our rubric we are supposed to pick 4 adjectives to describe the overall theme of the book so we picked 4 together and I wrote them on the board.  Then we had to have a sentence to entice people to continue watching our trailer.  Now, it was a few months ago so I don't exactly remember but I do remember the book was about monsters getting their hair cut.  So, our leading question was something like "Have you ever wondered where monsters go for a hair cut?" and we wrote that on the board.

We continued to fill in the rest of the rubric with ideas we had from the picture book I read them.

Then it was time to start creating our trailer

We never finished our book trailer for the picture book but together we came up with about 4 slides, what the words on them would be, what the picture would be, and then added effects like music.

I wish I could show you the one we created but in order to download them you need the upgrade (otherwise it's free!)

If you are interested in other ways I've seen students share what they are reading check out my post on Book Creator.

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