
Saturday, November 09, 2019

This Week At School

This week at school started off by teaching kindergarten and nursery.  This went relatively well, although I was warned about the afternoon class (14 boys and only 5 girls) but giving them lots of time to play (and not knowing which ones needed picture retakes so just sending a bunch) definitely helped!

I also went to one of the colony schools I frequent where I taught the middle school students.  When I got there one of the primary girls was looking through the windows of all the cars in the lot.  I asked her if she was checking out the contents of the cars and she told me she was!  I then asked if there was anything interesting inside and apparently there was as well (although I wasn't told what was so interesting).  Whether or not my car was peered into next I'm not sure as I went inside.

At the colony I taught gym which was actually a delight!  We played a quick game of dodgeball and then some ultimate frisbee and remarkably it went well!  We also read through a quick play in a magazine that the kids read super well (with accents and everything!) considering it was their first (and likely only) time reading it!

Then I was a grade 2/3 teacher where we spent a lot of time working on a Scaredy Squirel project (that I'll post about in a couple of months - sorry I'm very ahead of my posts at the moment!).  We also attended a Remembrance Day assembly (and not to toot my own horn or anything but I think my class was one of the best behaved during it).

I realize it's likely a little late for this but if you are looking for some ideas for your next years Remembrance Day assembly here is a post about a different Remembrance Day assembly I attended a few years ago.

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