
Saturday, December 07, 2019

This Week At School

This week was another busy week at school!

-  I was a dance teacher!... Which means the grade 6 and 7 classes watched movies and the more responsible group of grade 8 girls led their own dance class.  This isn't the first time I've been a dance teacher either.
-  I taught in a new to me classroom!  We watched an interesting documentary on Canada for a large chunk of the afternoon in this classroom.
-  I had a student teacher not once but twice this week!
-  I walked with a group of grade 8 students to the high school nearby so we could watch their musical "Little Shop of Horrors"... having no idea what the musical even was going into it I'll say that it was... interesting (but a fun way to spend the morning)!
-  I taught in a French immersion classroom.

The countdown is on folks... only 10 more potential working days until Christmas break (so far I'm working 3 of those days).

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