
Saturday, February 08, 2020

This Week At School

This week started off with an hours long power outage!

I was working outside of the city on the power outage day and had a late start to my morning so I started around 10am instead of 8:30. When I got there the secretary was outside (I think to get cell reception) and informed me that the power was out and likely would be out for a while. What dis this mean for classes? Well, apparently when you have newer septic tanks (or something) it means classes continue on [relatively] as normal. We didn't have heat so kids weren't going to go outside for their lunch or pm recess' so that we wouldn't let the cold air in and they put little lanterns in the bathrooms (because they didn't have windows to let in sunlight). The class that was most effected by the power outage would have been gym since once the emergency lights went out after an hour it was pitch dark in there! For lunch, anyone with a frozen lunch was going to be given bread and cheese to make a sandwich out of since they couldn't warm up their food. Everyone else was left to eat what they had (cold soup - yuck!). Luckily, the power ended up coming on for brief spurts around noon so even though we were still in class I let the kids warm up their food (30 seconds at a time since the power still continued to go out every 30 seconds). 

The power outage reminded me of another time when I was teaching grade 4 and the power was out for an hour or so one morning and then there was the time I was teaching grade 7 and it went out (thankfully at the very end of the day). 

The rest of my week wasn't nearly as exciting!

I went to the colony a couple of times where I was a little bit of everything) and spent a morning in a middle years classroom.

** Edit **
I nearly forgot!
This Friday is Valentine's Day!

So if you still need some Valentine related things to do (or make) here is a short list:

Valentine's Day Art
Valentine's Day cards (free printable)
Valentine's Day box ideas

I printed the mustache cards for my students when I taught grade 5/6 and put a Tootsie Pop through them... they loved them (and I still have our class pic of us all with our mustaches)!

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