Monday, September 14, 2015

First Day Of Substitute Teaching

My first day of substitute teaching is behind me (it was on Friday) and things went swimmingly.  Grade 4 at the school I used to teach at.  It was wonderful seeing all my old students and them coming to visit me at the end of the day to show me their latest gymnastic stunt.

What did we do?
Well other than follow the teacher's plan (and get it all done) I taught them how to play SNAKE (instead of multiplying the dice together we added them) and they LOVED it.  And we had lots of brain breaks and calming videos (after recess) with Go Noodle (I'm not making a new class every time I substitute teach.... they are all just continuing where the last one left off)

I asked them if they had a fun day and they all agreed that they did.  

And.. because everyone takes pictures of their kids on the first day of school...

Why doesn't anyone take pictures of the substitute on their first day?

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