Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Graduation Speeches

I don't do much subbing in high school so this isn't a story about a high school grad. No, this is a story about an elementary school graduation. Specifically one of the speeches. 

Now, before I begin the tale I must admit that I was not around for the actual graduation. I merely spotted the speech on the teachers desk and decided I would want to read it. The speech was written by one of the boys in the grade 6 class I was subbing in that day. 

The speech started off like most speeches would. The boy stated his name and how long he had been attending the school for. Naturally he will then tell everyone he is giving a speech by saying "This is a speech" at about the 5 second mark. 

Then he talks about the beginning of the year and how all the students in the class really got to know each other and became great friends. He talks about improvements he made throughout the year (his writing being one of them). 

All great stuff. Now, I'm expecting him to wrap up the speech saying how he will miss his teachers at the school and how he will have many great memories (maybe even share one or two of them). But nope. That is not what happens. 

The last half (yes, half) of his speech takes an unexpected turn and he starts talking about how we should all be active. Go swimming, ride a bike, spend time outdoors he says we should do. Don't sit around inside on your phones, iPods, or laptops. Eat your fruits and vegetables. Say hello to your neighbours. carry old ladies groceries (ok, he didn't say anything in that last sentence... I'm sure it was edited out of the first draft or something). 

And then it ends. Yes, he does not say anything about missing the school (maybe it is because he won't). He does not say anything about the fun times he had there (perhaps there were none?). He does not even mention his favourite substitute teacher!... I'm sure I got written into the final draft. 

Anyways, the whole thing reminded me of a "song" by Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen).

I admit, the song is in my iTunes library. It has a good message okay!

Also, today is my birthday!

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