Saturday, April 06, 2019

This Week At School

I was lucky enough to book the first 3 days back from Spring Break in the same classroom a while ago so it ended up being a busy first week back!

First, it was April 1st on Monday which means April Fool's pranks abounded.  I told you how I wrote a "test" for them to do and wrapped up some carrots in Tootsie Roll wrappers.  None of them understood the test.  I told them it was was serious and I had to time them and that they couldn't use up more than 10 minutes so they started off all quiet and serious but then they read the first question and someone shouted out "What!?!  I wasn't around in the 1930's how am I supposed to know this!?!"... not even taking the time to realize that the "question" didn't even ask a question.  They continued to complain about how they couldn't possibly know the answers to any of the "questions" and by this time the "serious test" had turned into a not so serious test and they were all sharing answers.  In the end some of them decided to each pick a different letter... that way one of them would be right for each question... which even if it was a true test how would that make any sense?  I wasn't taking a group score in the end.  Then they got to the April Fools question (#7) and announced "Oh finally, an easy one, everyone knows when April Fools day is".  Then the proceeded to argue as to whether Monday was April 1st or not.

Anyways, I went over the answers to the test (they have a star beside them but I deleted all those stars for their copies) and some of them actually passed!  Then we went over some clues I put in for them to realize it was all a joke and they went "oohhh" and insisted they were going to get me back and I called them all a bunch of April Fools

Here is the answer key version of my April Fools Day test.

Then the pranks started happening.  One of the girls left a wadded up (log like) paper towel on the floor of the bathroom which every other female adult in the building ran into but me.

Some of the boys took the secretary's candy and hid it on her (she was on vacation for the last couple of days of school and told the kids they could only have 2 pieces a day so there should still be lots left when she came back).

Somehow one of the early years students set the clock behind by a bit (how they managed to reach the clock I'm not sure... and why they decided to extend their day by setting it back I'm also not sure).

And finally, after everyone came back inside wet and muddy from recess one student told me had hurt himself and his leg was bleeding. I was about to tell him to wash it up when it dragged his finger through the "blood" and put his finger in his mouth.  I told him he was gross and he told me it was ketchup... good one.

Then my 2nd prank of the day happened when I gave them all a delicious candy they had earned only to realize they were carrots.  They all ate them anyways and at the end of the day I gave them each 3 real candies.

They still insist they have something better in the works for me but I'm not so sure.

But other than pranking... we also did school work!

They were in the process of creating some really cool book trailers (stay tuned for a post on that in the next few months)
They practiced guitar
We played some Blind Mans Bluff
And they finished off their math packets.

I ended off the week in a new to me classroom for this year
Where we did some science worksheets
Listened to a couple of stories on Storyline Online
And played Herds of Words

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