Saturday, November 03, 2018

This Week At School

Last week at school I was in a new school that I hadn’t yet been in this school year and this week at school I finally made it to the third division I sub in!... I actually ended up going back to the school I used to teach basic French at so a lot of my former students recognized me (they are now in grade 6!)

The rest of the week was kind of slower though… mostly because I developed a cold over the weekend and by Tuesday I was ready for a day off. But taking a day off is apparently a bit more difficult when you already are scheduled to work somewhere when you are a sub. You see I waited until the morning to decide if I thought I could handle the day… so around 6:40am (about 2 hours before the start of this particular school) I decided I likely couldn’t handle the day so I went online to cancel it. When I tried to cancel I got a message saying I couldn’t because the job started in less than 150 minutes. For those of you trying to quickly do the math 150 minutes is 2.5 hours… surely I’m not the only one that doesn’t need more than 2.5 hours in the morning and gets up later? Anyways, I couldn’t cancel the job on my own so I ended up texting the principal at the school asking if he knew anyone that would want the sub day (it was also We Day here so I already knew there wouldn’t be a lot of substitute teachers available) and if he knew a way around this 150 minute thing to cancel the job for me. In the end it all worked out… the principal found someone right away to cover for the class and cancelled the job online. Anyways, lesson learned… if I think I might not be well the day of a sub job cancel it the night before (or set an earlier alarm just for cancelling purposes).

I also ended up getting Halloween off as well… likely because it was Halloween and schools plan fun things for kids to do on days like that.

Later in the week I went back to the school of 9 where we did some pumpkin seed counting activities and some poppy making activities and on Friday I was at the school I used to teach at. At this school I was a SERT (special education resource teacher) so my job was fairly easy.

And today is Saturday and I’m feeling much better!

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