Thursday, June 20, 2019

Student Organization

Something I've noticed is that a well organized classroom often runs just a smidge better than a disorganized one and I think this could be said for any situation/place... including students (a well organized student operates just a bit better, usually, than the disorganized one) so we need to find ways to keep our students organized throughout the school year.

Here's what I saw that one teacher did to try to keep her students just a bit more organized.
Student Organization

This teacher had desks in her classroom so her students could have easily kept all their supplies and books in their desks but we all know sometimes those desks become disaster zones and they can't find anything in there anyways so I liked that she had a spot for each group of students to keep some of their books. This way when she said "everyone take our your Science duotang" everyone would know exactly where to find it. I also liked that she had this set up at every grouping of students rather than one spot for all the duotangs because this way she doesn't waste as much time passing things out and taking things in all the time. 

I'm not sure how I feel about the 2 crates stacked on top of each other.. it seemed to be working out well for this class and she does have them zip tied together but I'm curious as to why she didn't just use a small book shelf at each group (were they cheaper, fit the materials better?).  I also liked how the bottom crate was recycling (and not garbage because we should always try to recycle more than we throw things out).  It would come in handy when doing my Interactive Math Journals as there is a lot of cutting and pasting involved with those!

Anyways, what are some things you do in your classroom to keep your students organized?

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