Saturday, August 04, 2018

This Week OFF From School

I haven't had a lot to do this week... I'll even admit it... I got a little lazy this week.

Monday was too hot for a run.  Tuesday it looked like it was going to rain any second (all day).  Wednesday it was actually quite cold outside.  Excuses, excuses, excuses.  Anyways, I finally went on Thursday for my 32 minute run.  Huzzah!

What I did manage to get done was to buy the proper folders for my filing cabinet that we moved upstairs from the shed eons ago.  AND, I even started filing some things away.

I also FINALLY managed to wash all the floors in this house and vacuum that basement.  I even washed the shower curtain (and then ran it through the washing machine where it promptly broke so I should have just thrown it out to begin with).

I made some chocolate, coconut, craisin, chocolate chip cookies... adapted from a chocolate chocolate chip cookie recipe because I couldn't find an actual recipe that I liked.

I dealt with this mess that has been in my cupboard for a while... surely I'm not the only one that keeps every container that is sort of resealable?  I likely managed to get rid of about a third of them and boy does it look a lot neater in that cabinet!

Hung out with friends

And went for walks.

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