Monday, September 03, 2018

Off to University?

For those of you going back to (or starting) University (or College) this week... I had a dream all about what to do (and maybe what not to do) while there.

In said dream I guess it was my first day there and I didn't have a hot clue where any of my classes were and the odd thing was I thought the shortest way to get to my classes was to cut through other classrooms.... this is not generally the case.  I don't know how your school is designed but at the University I attended we did not have to cut through classrooms to get to other rooms.  That would be odd and likely highly disruptive.  Also, I'm sure your school had some kind of pre school starting information time where you actually learned where everything in the school was.  I'm assuming the university I attended did (although I don't remember attending it I also don't recall not being able to find any of my classes but I also went to a fairly small university).

Also in the dream there was an ice cream giveaway on campus.  Fantastic!  Well at the time when I found this out I was obviously taking one of my "short cuts" though another classroom and it was one of those classes that would have roughly 100 students in it.  Some of them were sitting on the stage with their bowls of ice cream.  This was when the prof was all "it's okay you can eat your ice cream on stage and I'm sure no one will 'boo' you for getting the ice cream before coming to class" which was when everyone that didn't have ice cream starting to boo those students eating it on stage.  Your teacher will likely not say this and no one will likely boo you on your first day.  BUT just to be on the safe side maybe get your free ice cream after class (or finish it before getting to class).  Unfortunately for me I was just passing through the class so when I booked it out the door everyone thought I was running out of there for the ice cream... when I saw that the free ice cream was actually right outside the class I obviously decided to stop my hunt for the room for some ice cream because it was just oh so convenient. 

And that was pretty much the end of the dream.

So remember, don't cut through rooms to get to yours, figure out where your classes are before getting there, eat your free ice cream before or after class, make new friends, have new experiences, and enjoy your time at University!

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