Saturday, July 20, 2019

This Week OFF From School

Week 3 was a busy week (dare I say it will be the busiest of all my summer weeks) mostly because I was helping my cousin out by watching his 2 boys for a few days.

So, I did a lot with those 2 boys we went bowling (mostly because on that particular day it was pushing 40 degrees outside with the humidex which is far too hot to enjoy yourself outside)!  We went to the park and did some geocaching (the big finds from those were a piece of wood that apparently looked like a dinosaur and 5 cents).  Did lots of browsing in stores... Cabellas, Canadian Tire (where we picked up a slip and slide), and Walmart (where we picked up some groceries to make a treat).  We watched a movie and read A LOT of Harry Potter together.  Played some games (including football which I was not, under any circumstances, ever allowed to sit on the side lines and just watch) and had some fun with the slip and slide.  We visited McDonalds (where I definitely did not think they would need socks to play in the play place - but fun fact - McDonald's sells socks for all of us hat forget... at over $2 a pair I told them they would survive without playing in the play place) and we visited the library!  It was a busy few days!

On my days off I definitely wanted to go berry picking again but alas, the days I was not with the boys were their off days at the berry patch so hopefully I'll pick my final 2 baskets next week.

I went out for birthday dinner to a local greek bistro.

I went for some walks.

I made some Nutella ice cream.

We went to the lake.

And I made a bunch of chocolate chip cookies.

A mountain of cookies!

Whenever I make cookies I always make a double batch... that way we have cookies for a while (they always seem to go so fast) and we keep them in a the freezer so they don't go bad.  The recipe for these ones is the one on the back of the Chipits package (and Chipits if you ever want to throw a girl a sponsorship we go through A LOT of your Chipits in this house!

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