Saturday, March 23, 2019

This Week At School

It was a busy last week of school before spring break or me!  Full days turned into half days which turned back into full days and I ended up working every single day this week in the end!

Monday was the day after St Patrick's Day so I read my students "How to Catch a Leprechaun" and then they did a writing activity on how they would go about catching a leprechaun.  I couldn't actually find the exact activity they did online but if you google "How to catch a leprechaun writing activity" a bunch will come up!

The next 3 days I spent at the school with only 9 kids.  We now say it's like I'm their 3rd teacher (after he 1.5 that already teach there, the EA, and the secretary).  They were busy making houses to test out different kinds of insulation.  The plan was that on Friday (when I was not there) that they were going to put a cup of hot water in each of their houses and place them outside.  Every 20 minutes or so they would go out and see what the temperature of their water was.  What were they using for insulation?  Largely shredded paper but also towels and Styrofoam.  One group even spray painted their house black which I thought was smart.  

After spring break they are going to be putting together a little indoor greenhouse to grow some fruits and veggies so we started to do some research as to what seeds do well growing in pots and have shorter growing times.  When I had left on Thursday they had decided on cucumbers, strawberries, tomatoes, and lettuce

Being that it was the week before spring break 2 of the schools I went to had spirit week this week... so one of the days was twin day (which I knew about ahead of time but obviously wouldn't have been able to coordinate with someone to twin with them), then there was jersey day so my husband lent me his and I wore a Washington Capitals jersey to school, then we had read and feed which didn't require dressing up and instead I had them read from about 10:30-12:00 (which surprisingly went over really well with a lot of them).  The feed part was they got to snack on fruits and veggies while reading.  I also brought them some cookies because I had a bunch leftover from a dessert fundraiser I helped with the previous weekend (I had told them that they had to be good in order to get one at the end of the day otherwise as punishment they would have to watch me eat them all - needless to say they each got 2 cookies at the end of the day).  And finally we had school colours day so I wore blue to work.

Friday I only worked the afternoon which was likely actually the easier time to work (and not only because it's the shorter half of the day).  They had stations that each class went around the school to earn points for their grade group.  At the end they totalled up all points for each grade and that grade won some sort of prize.  I was in charge of the cup stacking room which just had 3 groups working together to make a stack of cups as tall as they could using cups and wooden sticks within 15 minutes.  The tallest we got was 37 inches which was actually quite impressive.

Since next week is spring break I'll only be posting twice instead of my usual 3 times as I'll be too busy enjoying my spring break (hopefully).

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