Thursday, February 28, 2019

Abstract Scribble Art

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I did a really simple art lesson with an early and middle years class (I'll use the term "class" loosely because there were only 5 students in both classes total that day).

Basically, the kids had to use a dark colour to do a scribble on their page (I would encourage kids to not do too much scribbles because then the white spaces between the scribbles get smaller and smaller).

After that we rotated our scribbled on pages around until something jumped out of us that we saw in the scribbles.  It could have been a big part of the page or a small part and then we coloured just that section to be that thing that we saw (there were a lot of flowers and fish that we saw in ours).  

The goal is to keep looking for things until the majority of your picture is coloured (some white spots are okay).

Here is what I came up with:

I wasn't quite done with it but you get the idea.

The best part about this lesson is that it requires very few supplies (and no tricky supplies like getting paint set up or having to search for orange pipecleaners) and therefore it's the perfect thing to do when you are surprised with a class of just 1 student.

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